
Evaluating Bachelor’s-level qualifications: a fruitful Hcéres-CTI-CEFDG consultation to coordinate procedures

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The level of the qualifications that are awarded is the responsibility of the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) on behalf of the government, after the corresponding programme has been evaluated by the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres ), the French engineering qualification accreditation body (CTI) or the Evaluation Commission for Qualifications issued by Business Schools (CEFDG), depending on the sector concerned. After the Framework Law for Research and the Order of 27 January 2020 on the accreditation of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, Hcéres, CTI and CEFDG, in conjunction with the Directorate General for Higher Education and Professional Integration (DGESIP), undertook a consultation on the evaluation of Bachelor’s-level programmes with a view to the 2021 evaluation and accreditation campaign. Their shared objective is to implement coordinated evaluation processes regardless of the pathway to the Bachelor's-degree level, taking into account the specifics of the disciplines concerned.

This consultation and coordination work was carried out between March and May 2021 and focused on two aspects:

  • Evaluation standards and criteria: determine a common core of evaluation consistent with the provisions of the order, without seeking to impose a single standard. The three standards, the associated qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria and the evaluation guides, where applicable, were adjusted accordingly for the 2021 campaign.
  • Evaluation campaign: harmonise the calendars and shared terminology relating to the evaluation system. Each body's evaluation files for Bachelor’s degrees are now ready for the 2021 campaign, with a shared introduction that highlights the consultation and compliance with the accreditation order.

What was the background to this consultation? Hcéres, CTI and CEFDG have coordinated their evaluation procedures under the Framework Law for Research for the benefit of French higher education and its students. This consultation is an integral part of the continuous improvement approach for higher education institutions and their programmes. The fact that the criteria for obtaining a Bachelor's degree are evaluated according to indicators with the same level of requirements acts as a guarantee of the quality of all Bachelor's degrees, whatever the type of institution, programme subspeciality or evaluation body. This recognition of the quality of all programmes ensures that students have access to a diverse range of study programmes at the same level, certified by the same qualification of Bachelor’s degree.

Thus, for the purposes of applying the Order of 27 January 2020, the Ministry has chosen to task the CEFDG and CTI with evaluating programmes seeking the grade of Bachelor’s degree at business and engineering schools, respectively, while qualifications in other fields will be evaluated by Hcéres as part of a procedure defined jointly with DGESIP.

Hcéres, CTI and CEFDG are pleased with this constructive and instructive partnership that has resulted in a positive exchange of experience and practices, with the aim of working together and moving forward pragmatically while respecting the specific features of each of the bodies.

About Hcéres

The French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) is an independent administrative body responsible for evaluating higher education and research entities and was created by the 2013 Law on Higher Education and Research. The High Council is in charge of evaluating higher education, research and cultural entities, French research units and Bachelor's - Master's - Doctoral programmes with a view to their accreditation. It also conducts evaluations abroad. It will become an independent public authority on 1 January 2022.

About the CTI

The French engineering accreditation body (CTI), is an independent joint body, tasked by law since 1934 with evaluating all engineering training courses in France and, upon request, abroad for accreditation and with improving the quality of such courses and promoting the engineering profession in France and abroad. The CTI also evaluates Bachelor’s degree programmes at engineering schools to award the rank of bachelor as well as European quality labels (EUR-ACE©, CeQuInt) to engineering training courses.

Website: www.cti-commission.fr

About the CEFDG 

The Evaluation Committee for Qualifications issued by Business Schools (CEFDG) is supervised by both the Ministry for Higher Education and Innovation and the Ministry for the Economy and Finances. It is tasked with evaluating the quality of the business and management study programmes offered by private higher education institutions and those of the chambers of commerce, with a view to building the European higher education area. It also examines the evolution of the higher education programmes in management offered at these institutions in accordance with the existing global higher education system.

Website: www.cefdg.fr

Press Contacts

  • Hcéres - Caroline Borel | caroline.borel@hceres.fr  
  • CTI – Marie-Jo Goedert | relations.presse@cti-commission.fr
  • CEFDG - Justine Ferté | justine.ferte@enseignementsup.gouv.fr
