Research Integrity

Scientific integrity is the foundation on which trust is built between research communities and also between these communities and society as a whole. To provide a framework and an impetus at national level, the French Office for Research Integrity (Ofis) was created in March 2017.

In France, scientific integrity is now defined in the research code (article L. 211-2) as the set of rules and values that must govern research activities in order to guarantee their honest and rigorous nature.

Scientific integrity is essential for the proper functioning of scientific communities and is also the basis for a relationship of trust between the research world and other components of society.

As a department of Hcéres, the French Office of Scientific Integrity (Ofis) implements the scientific integrity missions entrusted to Hcéres by the research programming law of December 24, 2020. Ofis thus contributes to the definition of a national policy of scientific integrity, and accompanies all the actors who contribute to the respect of rules guaranteeing an honest, rigorous, reliable and credible research activity. Ofis represents France in European and international cooperation bodies in this field.