Training and services

Hcéres has extensive experience in providing expertise to foreign countries or agencies that request its support in defining or refining their quality assurance policy, organising training or providing technical assistance in quality assurance in higher education and research.

Training on evaluation methods


Hcéres provides tailored training to meet specific needs, at the request of a foreign institution, ministry or funding body. The training activities of Hcéres can cover all areas of external evaluation, from training experts to defining a methodology. The Europe and International Department team can deliver training on-site or remotely. Hcéres also regularly hosts delegations from counterpart agencies in the context of study visits and exchange programmes (e.g. staff mobility scheme of the BFUG).


Examples of training provided for agencies and their staff
  •  Training on desiging evaluation standards
  •  Training on institutional evaluation
  •  Training on the evaluation of doctorates
  •  Integrated evaluation methodology
  •  Training on the evaluation of research (research units and research bodies)

Partners who have placed their trust in us: ARACIS (Romania), MESRS (Côte d’Ivoire), ANAQ-SUP (Senegal), QQI (Ireland) SINAES (Costa Rica), MINEDU (Peru), etc.

Technical assistance


Hcéres carries out active international monitoring and participates in the construction ofthe European Higher Education Area, through international projects that receive external funding, in particular from the European Commission.  The technical support provided by Hcéres focuses on developing quality assurance policies, drawing up evaluation standards and training experts.

Hcéres recently provided expertise in the following projects:

  • EDAffiche projects (European Degree - Advancing, Facilitating and Fostering International Collaboration in Higher Education - 2023): support for the creation of a joint European degree label
  • ICFAL project (Institutionalisation of Work-Study Training Centres – 2021-2024 ): support for national reform of the Bachelor system by the establishment of Work-Study Training Centres (Centres de Formation en Alternance - CFA) in Moroccan universities.
  • EDUQAS project (“Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs” - 2017-2020): development of quality assurance systems for higher education in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
  • C3QA projectPromoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration » -2016 – 2019): development of quality assurance at PhD level in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine.




Twinning is an initiative launched by the European Commission in the context of preparing for the enlargement of the European Union. It is a tool for strengthening the institutional capacities of EU partner countries. Twinning is based on cooperation through partnership between public authorities and approved bodies mandated by the Member States to produce concrete operational results in connection with the strategic objectives of the EU with the beneficiary country.


Hcéres has provided expertise in the following twinnings:

  • Twinning to provide “additional support for the implementation of the national qualifications framework” for the benefit of the Ministry of Education and Science of North Macedonia (2022)
  • Twinning between the EU and Morocco (2022): reinforcement of higher education and scientific research in Morocco and its closer ties with the European Union. In particular, it contributes to the development of the Moroccan National Agency for Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Scientific Research (ANEAQ). Click here to find out more.
  • Twinning with Tunisia (2021-2022): Support for the creation of a National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation in the field of higher education and scientific research (EMORI)
  • Twinning with Azerbaijan (2019): Support for reinforcement of the higher education system in Azerbaijan




Europe and International Department

19 rue Poissonnière
75002 Paris