
2016-2020 Strategic Plan

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Michel Cosnard, President of Hcéres, hopes to “strengthen our country’s confidence in the evaluation of its higher education and research system” through the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, which reaffirms the principles of independence, transparency and impartiality that underpin ethical evaluation.

The strategic plan was drawn up in consultation with members of the Hcéres Board, administrative staff and scientific delegates. It is intentionally short and is structured around 9 areas:

  • strengthen the commitment of Hcéres to serving evaluated entities;
  • promote ethical and high-quality evaluation and consolidate peer-review system;
  • ensure the independence of Hcéres and its position among other evaluation stakeholders;
  • conduct integrated evaluation for site policies;
  • implement the validation of evaluation procedures;
  • simplify evaluation processes;
  • raise the European and international profile of Hcéres;
  • fully utilise the skills of OST;
  • implement an internal organisational structure adapted to integrated evaluation.

This plan marks the starting point for changes to Hcéres evaluation systems, with the aim of bringing its practices into line with the new provisions of the French Act of 22 July 2013 on higher education and research.

To this end, two other founding texts have also been adopted by the Board:

  • the new evaluation charter; (download at the bottom of the page)
  • principles for Hcéres validation of the procedures for evaluations carried out by other bodies. (download at the bottom of the page)

These new provisions will apply to the Group D evaluation campaign which will be launched shortly.
