
2016 Annual Report: Hcéres, a partner for progress

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Today, the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) is publishing its 2016 Activity Report, adopted by its Board on 12 June. This report also launches the organisation’s new visual identity.

“Our evaluation mission must serve progress in higher education and research” states Michel Cosnard, Hcéres President, at the start of the 2016 report entitled “A Partner for Progress”. The document describes the High Council’s first full year of activity after the publication of the last implementing decrees for the 2016 Law on Higher Education and Research.

2016, a year for the organisation to structure itself

2016 was a year for the organisation to structure itself, during which “new ambitions and the dynamic borne by Hcéres expressed themselves”. The High Council’s teams were particularly busy with the following subjects:

  • drawing up the 2016-2020 strategic plan;

  • defining the principles for the validation of evaluation procedures used by other organisations;

  • setting up the Department of Evaluation of Clusters of Higher Education and Research Institutions;

  • the implementation by the OST of its support mission for the evaluation of clusters;

  • self-evaluation with a view to external evaluation by the European bodies ENQA and EQAR

  • installation in new premises in Paris.

These unifying projects were carried out in parallel with the evaluations for Group B (2015-2016 campaign), the launch of Group C (2016-2017 campaign) and preparation for Group D (2017-2018 campaign).

A new visual identity 

This report, in a new format, officially launches the organisation’s new visual identity. It is the result of reflection undertaken by the High Council in 2016 as to its positioning in relation to its new strategic objectives and its stated ambition: to be an essential reference for the national, European and international higher education and research system.
