Evaluation reports EN

IGEPP - Institut de génétique, environnement et protection des plantes

Type: Research unit evaluation report
Evaluation campaign: 2020-2022 (group B) - Published on: 29/06/2021
Institution(s) concerned: Agrocampus Ouest - Institut supérieur des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage , Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement - INRAE , Université de Rennes 1
Disciplinary research field: Life and Earth Sciences (SVE) ; SVE2 Cellular Biology, Imaging, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genomics, Systemic Biology, Development, Structural Biology ; SVE1 Agronomy, Plant Biology, Ecology, Environment, Evolution
Scientific field(s): 10 - Sciences agronomiques et écologiques
ERC panel(s): LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology: evolution, ecology, animal behaviour, population biology, biodiversity, biogeography, marine biology, eco-toxicology, prokaryotic biology ; LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry: molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, biochemistry of signal transduction

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