
The 2016-2017 evaluation campaign is underway!

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Hcéres will presented the procedures and reference documents for the 2016-2017 evaluation campaign (Group C) to the relevant institutions and research bodies.
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In preparation for the 2016-2017 evaluation campaign (Group C), Hcéres met the relevant institutions during January/February at 8 meetings organised by site (Alsace site, Champagne-Ardenne site, Corsica, Limousin/Poitou-Charentes/Centre Val-de-Loire, Lorraine site, Marseille site, Nice site and Picardy site). 

These meetings for information and discussion gathered over 1000 participants and provided an opportunity to present the procedures for the different evaluation types (sites, institutions, research units, study programmes) and highlight new developments and changes. 

You can view the presentation materials from the various meetings below: 

Evaluation of the coordination of site policies:

  • site alsacien
  • site champenois
  • site lorrain 
  • site Limousin/Poitou-Charentes/Centre-Val de Loire
  • site marseillais 
  • site niçois
  • site picard
  • Atelier évaluation des établissements
  • Atelier évaluation des entités de recherche
  • Atelier évaluation des formations et des écoles doctorales

