
Launch of the 2015-2016 evaluation campaign (Group B)!

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More than 940 participants attended information meetings on the methodology and processes for the 2015-2016 evaluation campaign (Group B), from January to mid-February.

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Zone de texteAs part of the 2015-2016 evaluation campaign (Group B), HCERES met with institutions from the Besançon, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Nantes, Rennes, and Rouen education authorities in four different meetings, which took place between January and mid-February 2015.

These meetings were structured by type of evaluation and were organised into three thematic workshops: institutional evaluation: evaluation of training programmes and doctoral schools, and evaluation of research units.

These workshops enabled HCERES teams to:

present the evaluation methodology for Group B and the main changes implemented,

explain the evaluation process,

provide participants with clarifications and specific answers.

Supports de présentation :

  • Atelier « Evaluation institutionnelle »
  • Atelier « Evaluation des formations »
