
Presentation of the 2016-2017 evaluation campaign (Group C)

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On 17 and 18 November 2015, Hcéres organised meetings with institutions from the Alsace, Centre-Val de Loire, Champagne-Ardenne, Corsica, Limousin, Lorraine, Picardy, Poitou-Charentes and Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur regions in preparation for the 2016-2017 evaluation campaign.

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Over 120 participants attended the meetings, which included two key sessions:

An introductory plenary session. In his opening speech, Michel Cosnard, President of Hcéres, talked about the recent appointment of the new members of the Board and highlighted some key matters:

  • Evaluation of site policies and simplified evaluations for each entity;
  • Processes for validation of procedures for evaluations performed by bodies other than HCERES;
  • Evaluation of Hcéres in 2016 by a panel of international experts recommended by ENQA, in order to renew its inclusion in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education, EQAR.

Jean-Marc Geib, Director of the Evaluation of Programmes Department, Pierre Glaudes, Director of the Evaluation of Research Units Department, and Nadine Lavignotte, Interim Director of the Evaluation of Institutions Department, presented evaluation procedures and key changes. 

  • Thematic workshops focused on the evaluation of institutions, research units and programmes. The aim of these workshops was to explain the evaluation process and provide participants with specific information and answers to their questions.

Supports de la séance plénière (à télécharger en bas de page) : 

Supports des ateliers thématiques (à télécharger en bas de page) :
