Digital and data Department

This department designs, organises and develops the Hcéres information system to support its evaluation and study activities. To do so, it designs and develops the applications required to collect, file, quality check, disseminate and process the data and information that is necessary for the activities of Hcéres.

Claude Guéant is acting head of Department.
Assistant to the Director: Jean-Christophe Martin 
Head of Business Applications & Data: Corinne Mouradian


The Digital and data Department works for all the departments, providing comprehensive support for the activities of Hcéres. Its essential missions consist in:

  • drawing up an information system upgrade strategy and a master plan in line with the strategic plan of the High Council,
  • organising information system resources,
  • defining a data policy in order to rationalise and optimise the collection and provision of data,
  • designing and upgrading Hcéres applications in liaison with stakeholders,
  • facilitating the design, provision and processing of Hcéres output,
  • supporting the participation of Hcéres in upgrades of the overall information system for higher education and research in France and in Europe.

The Department is also a stakeholder in the national steering bodies in matters relating to information systems and digital technologies.

  • 7 To
    of bibliographic and bibliometric data
  • 30
    professional applications to support the missions of Hcéres
  • 19500
    evaluation files deposited every 5 years, on average
  • 1,5
    billion scientometric indicators calculated each year
  • 600000
    files stored for the purposes of evaluations


Département du numérique et des données

2 rue Albert Einstein
75013 Paris