Dossiers et communiqués
Affichage des résultats 28 à 30 sur 48 au total

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Publications, Evaluation, Territorial coordination

On Tuesday 1st February, Hcéres published its first integrated evaluation report on a cluster of higher education and research institutions, the HESAM Université COMUE (Community of Universities and Institutions). The integrated evaluation highlights the strengths and fragilities of a site and an assessment of its development challenges.

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Research integrity

At a ceremony held on 22 January 2019, the CDEFI, the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS), the French Advisory Board for Research Integrity (CoFIS), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, the National School of Geographical Science in Marne-la-Vallée, ELISA Aerospace, EPF Ecole d’ingénieur·e·s, EPITA, the Centre Val de Loire National Institute for Applied Sciences, Troyes Technological University and Yncréa Hauts-de-France all signed up to the French Charter for Research Integrity.

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