Research integrity

Engineering schools reassert their commitment to research integrity

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At a ceremony held on 22 January 2019, the CDEFI, the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS), the French Advisory Board for Research Integrity (CoFIS), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, the National School of Geographical Science in Marne-la-Vallée, ELISA Aerospace, EPF Ecole d’ingénieur·e·s, EPITA, the Centre Val de Loire National Institute for Applied Sciences, Troyes Technological University and Yncréa Hauts-de-France all signed up to the French Charter for Research Integrity.

In ratifying this charter, these engineering schools have reasserted the importance of the fundamental principles of research integrity for all institutions engaged in higher education and research.

“This is a strong message from the CDEFI to the directors of France’s engineering schools, and to the scientific community as a whole,” confirms Joëlle Alnot, Director of the OFIS (a division of Hcéres).

Structured around seven core principles, the aim of this charter is to “establish the necessary criteria for rigorous and trustworthy scientific work, particularly relevant to all national and international partnerships.”

The seven core principles of ethical research are as follows:

  • compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements;
  • reliability of research work;
  • communication;
  • responsibility in collective work;
  • impartiality and independence in evaluation and expertise;
  • collaborative work and plurality of activities;
  • training.

In signing up to this charter, the CDEFI has reasserted the importance of research integrity, the code of conduct essential to all research, and the ethical standards expected of all its member institutions in France. The CDEFI not only adheres to the values and principles of research integrity, but is also fully committed to defending these values and principles and working to ensure their adoption and application by all of the 201 French engineering schools accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur which comprise its membership.

“This is an indispensable priority for the education of researchers and future entrepreneurs,” declares CDEFI president Marc Renner. For more information, you can download the French Charter for Research Integrity here.


About OFIS, a division of Hcéres

Founded in March 2017, the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS) is a division of the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres). OFIS is a national, interdisciplinary organisation with three key responsibilities:

  • expert guidance for institutions working to meet their obligations;
  • observation, supervision and sharing of best practices in research integrity;
  • helping to define and coordinate a national policy on research integrity.

The French Advisory Board for Research Integrity (CoFIS) is responsible for steering and supervising the work of the OFIS.

About the CDEFI

Founded in 1976, the CDEFI (Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools) brings together all directors of institutions or departments, in both the public and private sectors, which are accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) to award degree-level qualifications in engineering. Its primary mission is to cover all matters relating to the professional responsibilities and training of engineers, as well as the development and promotion of research. The Conference also works to promote French engineers, in France and all over the world. The CDEFI thus has a resolutely international dimension, particularly within the European Higher Education Area.

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