Hcéres unveils its new website

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hceres.fr, the online home of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, reflects Hcéres’ identity as a partner for progress. Pride of place is given to the presentation of Hcéres’ activities and know-how, and the whole site has been overhauled to ensure easier access to content and a more intuitive browsing experience.
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A recalibrated strategy, a new visual identity, expanded fields of activity… our brand new website reflects these changes, providing a portal to information and reference services in the various fields of activity covered by the High Council.

In tune with the aesthetics of contemporary web design

More ergonomic and more accessible, with an average of 1,800 publications every year, hceres.fr enlightens the various publics on the activities and methods of work of the High Council and facilitates access to its productions. New features include responsive display which adapts to all screen formats, as well as an improved search engine and filters for browsing publications, and an interactive map of contractualisation groups making it easier to access evaluation methods.

Richer, more accessible content

The site’s editorial content has also been thoroughly restructured, in both English and French, for a richer, more human experience. That includes a more attractive and more detailed presentation of Hcéres’ activities, the introduction of thematic special features and an expanded range of first-hand accounts and interviews.

Designed to evolve and adapt, hceres.fr will now become the first port of call for all professional resources provided by the High Council, and for services tailored to different user profiles.


Coming soon, a Hcéres portal on HAL

In a few days’ time Hcéres will officially launch its dedicated portal on HAL, the multi-disciplinary online archive platform. This portal will provide access to over 15,000 assessment reports published by Hcéres, and previously by AERES. Hceres.fr, meanwhile, focus on providing access to assessment reports from the past 5 years.