
European research infrastructure evaluation: the ERIEC consortium welcomes 2 new members

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Today, the European Research Infrastructure Evaluation Consortium (ERIEC), coordinated by Hcéres, has announced the inclusion of two new quality assurance agencies: QANU (Netherlands) and evalag (Germany).

By signing the framework cooperation agreement governing the ERIEC consortium, QANU and evalag undertake to contribute to an evaluation system based on the best international and European quality assurance practices.

Their decision to join the ERIEC consortium reflects the consortium’s commitment, since its creation in April 2019,  to develop a policy of openness towards any European quality assurance agency wishing to support the development of a European research strategy. 

The ERIEC consortium operates at the request of the European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERIC), which are subject to a statutory evaluation obligation. Consequently, for its first mission, ERIEC has appointed Hcéres to lead the evaluation of ECRIN-ERIC, the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network for the development and implementation of multinational trials. The results of this evaluation will be published on the Hcéres ( and ERIEC ( websites in November 2019.

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ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) infrastructures

Members of the consortium ERIEC

  • Hcéres (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France)
    The French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education is the independent administrative body responsible for evaluating all institutions of higher education and research, as well as approving the evaluation procedures implemented by other organisations. 
    Through its analyses, evaluations and recommendations, it guides, advises and supports efforts to improve the quality of higher education and research in France.
  • ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes – Italy)
    ANVUR is an independent public body which, among its various tasks, oversees the quality evaluation system for universities and research bodies in Italy. It is responsible for the quality assessment of the activities carried out by universities and research institutes, recipients of public funding. It is also entrusted with steering the Independent Evaluation Units’ activities, and with assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of public funding programmes or incentive programmes for research and innovation activities. ANVUR is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and is applying for registration on EQAR.
  • AEI (Agencia Estatal de Investigación – Spain)
    The Spanish State Research Agency is a public law entity attached to the Ministry for Science, Research and Innovation through the auspices of the Secretariat of State for Science, Innovation and Universities.
    The AEI purpose is to finance, evaluate and track scientific and technical research activities intended to generate, exchange and exploit knowledge, as fostered by the Central State Government. The AEI may act on either its own initiative or together with other Spanish Administrations or entities or with other countries and international bodies.
  • QANU (Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities – Netherlands)
    QANU is an independent quality agency that conducts activities in the field of external quality assurance in higher education and research, commissioned by universities in the Netherlands. It organises and co-ordinates assessments of degree programmes and research programmes on the basis of formal frameworks established by the relevant authorities. QANU is full member of ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, and is the only Dutch evaluation bureau to be included in EQAR, the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education.
  • evalag (Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg - Germany)
    evalag, a foundation established under public law in 2000, operates at the Länder level – focusing  on activities carried out in Baden-Württemberg, in particular – and also at the federal and international level. The agency operates independently and in accordance with internationally recognised standards. As an active member of international European organisations (CEENQA, ENQA, DeGEval, INQAAHE) promoting the development of quality assurance in European and international higher education and research institutions, evalag has been awarded the approved accreditation agency status by the German Accreditation Council and is listed on the EQAR register.

Press contacts

  • Hcéres: Caroline Cordier – – +33 (0)1 55 55 61 63
  • Anvur : Marco Albanesi – 
  • AEI : Joaquin Serrano – 
  • QANU : Peter Hildering – - +31 302 303 100
  • evalag : Petra Gerlach – – +49 (0)621 128545 55
