
Michel Cosnard appointed President of Hcéres

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Michel Cosnard appointed President of The French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) on October, the 30th 2015.


Michel Cosnard, président du Hcéres

Michel Cosnard obtained an engineering degree from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (ENSIMAG – French national school for computer science and applied mathematics in Grenoble) in 1975. He went on to receive a Master of Sciences in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University (United States) in 1975 and a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Grenoble in 1983. After a distinguished and diverse career in research and higher education, he is now joining Hcéres.
Michel Cosnard specialises in algorithms, particularly in the field of parallel algorithm design and analysis and grid computing. He began his career as a researcher for CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) (1979-1987) and went on to teach at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (1987-1997), where he created the LIP Computer Science Laboratory. In 1997, he took on new responsibilities at INRIA, which he led from 2006 to 2014.
From 2010 to 2014 he served as President of the ERCIM (European research consortium in informatics and mathematics) and ALLISTENE (Alliance of Digital Sciences and Technologies). Michel Cosnard has a long list of publications to his name and is the winner of numerous scientific awards. He also received an honorary doctorate degree from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mons (UMONS).
Michel Cosnard has had three important roles in the evaluation field. He was a member of the French National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS), Deputy Scientific Director within the Scientific, Technical and Educational Mission (MSTP – Mission scientifique, technique et pédagogique) of the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and is the sole French member of the expert committee responsible for evaluating the EU's 7th Framework Programme.
Michel Cosnard succeeds Didier Houssin and was appointed by the French President after being interviewed and approved by the relevant National Assembly and Senate commissions1.
During these pre-appointment hearings, he acknowledged the work of the previous directors of Hcéres and emphasised the need for:

  • the development of an evaluation model that supports the scientific and educational policies of institutions and respects their independence;
  • the recognition of the diversity of entities to be evaluated, by adapting evaluation criteria in line with this diversity;
  • a shift towards a holistic approach to evaluation in line with the strategic priorities of the Communities of Universities and Establishments on a site and a broader assessment of the quality of their training programmes and research units;
  • a contribution to the analysis of disciplines on a national level, support for evaluation research and the development of precise and reliable indicators using the expertise of the Hcéres Observatory of Science and Technologies.

Along with the appointment of Michel Cosnard, the following twenty-nine people were appointed by decree as members of the Hcéres board:

  • Researchers, engineers or professors, put forward by the competent higher education and research evaluation bodies:
    • Constantina BACALEXI, Research Engineer (CNRS);
    • Christine BOEGLIN, Director of Research (CNRS);
    • Michel BOZDEMIR, University Professor (Inalco);
    • Fabienne COMTE, University Professor (Université Paris Descartes);
    • Michel GRÉGOIRE, Director of Research (CNRS);
    • Danièle GROSHENY, University Lecturer (Université de Lorraine);
    • Yves LE BISSONAIS, Director of Research (Inra);
    • Jean-Michel PLANE, University Professor (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3);
    • Thierry PONCHON, University Lecturer (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne).
  • Researchers, engineers or professors put forward by presidents or directors of research bodies:
    • Sébastian AMIGORENA, Director of Research (CNRS);
    • Hélène KIRCHNER, Director of Research (Inria);
    • Rémy MOSSERI, Director of Research (CNRS).
  • Researchers, engineers or professors put forward by the two conferences of heads of institutions mentioned in Article L.233-1 of the French Education Code:
    • Gilberte CHAMBAUD, Professor Emeritus (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée);
    • Jean-Marc HEINTZ, Professor (Bordeaux INP);
    • Éliane KOTLER, University Professor (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis).
  • Researchers, engineers or professors put forward by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research:
    • Gérard BERRY, Professor (Collège de France);
    • Pascale SAINT-CYR, General Services Director (Université Paris Diderot).
  • Student representatives put forward by students’ associations:
    • Julien BLANCHET;
    • Anne FRAQUET.
  • Qualified figures:
    • Claire BONITHON-KOPP, University Professor – Hospital Practitioner (Université de Bourgogne);
    • Claude BERTRAND, Executive Vice President R&D and Chief Scientific Officer (Ipsen);
    • Cathy DUYKAERTS, Head of the Executive Unit (AEQES - Belgian higher education quality evaluation agency);
    • Geneviève LE FORT, Deputy Director (AAQ – Swiss accreditation and quality assurance agency);
    • Rafael LLAVORI DE MICHEO, Head of International and Institutional Affairs (ANECA – Spanish quality evaluation and accreditation agency);
    • Laurent MALIER, Managing Director Techno and design platforms (STMicroelectronics);
    • Valérie MAZZA, Scientific Director (Limagrain);
    • Denise PUMAIN, University Professor (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
  • Members of the French Parliament appointed by the standing committee for Higher Education and Research of each house.
    • Sandrine Doucet, Member of Parliament, La Gironde;
    • Jacques Grosperrin, Senator, Doubs.

1 The cultural and education affairs committee for the National Assembly and the culture, education and communication committee for the Senate.
