
European research infrastructures evaluation consortium: Hcéres has published its first evaluation report

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Today, Hcéres, as coordinating member of the European Research Infrastructure Evaluation Consortium (ERIEC), has published its first report of the evaluation of a European Research Infrastructure, namely Ecrin-Eric (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network).

Ecrin-Eric is a European clinical research network working for the development and implementation of multinational trials . At the request of this European network which is subject to statutory evaluation, the Eriec Consortium, has commissioned Hcéres, to carry out the expertise.

Based upon current European standards, this evaluation was organised in two key stages: a self-assessment conducted by Ecrin–Eric, and an external evaluation, including an on-site visit, by a committee of 4 international experts.

In concluding its analysis, based on highlighted strengths and attentions, the experts’ committee has made some recommendations as:

  • To an opening to new research items,
  • To cooperation with other European research infrastructures,
  • To alternative funding opportunities,
  • To management and analysis of big data.

The full evaluation report completed by the comments of Ecrin-Eric network is available:

Find out more …

  • ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) infrastructures
    A tool of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), the Eric consortium is a specific legal form that facilitates the creation and operation of research infrastructures of European interest. Governed by European Regulation EC 723/2009 of 25 June 2009, ERIC allows the creation and operation of new or existing research infrastructures on a non-commercial basis. 


  • The European Research Infrastructure Evaluation Consortium ( Eriec consortium)
    Performing at the request of Eric infrastructures, the Eriec consortium offers them an evaluation system based on international and European best practices in quality assurance. Eriec was established in April 2019 under the leadership of 3 European evaluation agencies: Hcéres (France), Anvur (Italy) and AEI (Spain). They were joined in October 2019 by Qanu (Netherlands) and evalag (Germany).

Press contact

  • Hcéres : Caroline Cordier – caroline.cordier@hceres.fr – +33(1) 55 55 61 63
