
Hcéres accredits the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC)

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After carrying out an institutional evaluation, Hcéres has accredited the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) for five years without reservation. The High Council presented TEC with the accreditation certificate on 4 December 2017, at an official ceremony in Cartago, in the presence of Sonia Marta Mora, Minister for Public Education, Thierry Vankerk-Hoven, French Ambassador, Julio Calvo, Rector of TEC, and representatives of the SINAES (National System for Higher Education Accreditation) and the CSUCA (Central American Higher Council for Universities). In addition, the President of Costa Rica offered his congratulations during the ceremony.

TEC is the first Latin American institution to obtain this quality certification. Established in 1971, this dynamic university offers its 12,000 students a range of study programmes in pure and applied sciences from Bachelor’s to PhD level.

Its accreditation is part of a long-range partnership approach, initiated and supported by the French Institute for Central America, which is responsible for cooperation with French universities in the whole region with its 45 million inhabitants.

Since 2015, Costa Rica has benefited from a mutual recognition of qualifications agreement, signed at the highest level, and has been able to count on Hcéres’ commitment to supporting its national accreditation system for higher education.

At the regional level, multilateral partnership agreements will enable institutional evaluation operations to be carried out jointly with volunteer universities, based on Hcéres’ experience in quality assurance and gradual strengthening of local competency.

Hcéres is happy to participate in this process and to spotlight the commitment of central American academic communities to higher education and research projects.

Acto de Entrega de Acreditación Institucional HCERES

Extract - Michel Cosnard, Hcéres