
Hcéres develops its international activities in Central America

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After signing an agreement in May 2016 with the High Council of Central American Universities to develop institutional evaluation programmes, Hcéres participated in the France-Central America meeting of University Presidents and Rectors held in Costa Rica on 26 and 27 September 2016.

The event brought together French university presidents, directors of engineering schools and their counterparts (“Rectores”) from Central American universities for the first time. Representatives from the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), Conference of the Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI), Conférence des grandes écoles(CGE), French ministries and several ambassadors were in attendance.

The meeting had several objectives:

  • assess the current state and future outlook of higher education in Central America;
  • present a roadmap to improve academic cooperation ties between universities in France and Central America;
  • develop joint strategies for academic mobility, joint research, accreditation of study and academic recognition of qualifications, and for the evaluation and accreditation of institutions.

Hcéres used the opportunity to share its expertise on evaluation and accreditation of foreign institutions and study programmes.

It also took part in the seminar to prepare the EU-CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) academic summit to be held on 6 and 7 October 2016. The Summit seeks to strengthen relations between the two regions by addressing issues related to expected skills, quality assurance and cooperation mechanisms between institutions.