
Le réseau FR

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Réseau FR has been working to translate in French the updated European Standards and Guidelines, and discussing the new challenges surrounding the quality assurance of distance learning

On 9 February 2015, the Francophone network of higher education quality agencies (Réseau FR) organised its first international conference, which was held at l’École des Mines, in Nancy, focusing on “New challenges in quality assurance: from ESG 2.0 to MOOCs”. HCERES founded the network in 2014, with CTI (Commission des titres d'ingénieurs), AAQ (Agence d'accréditation et d'assurance qualité), and AEQES (Agence pour l'évaluation de la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur). Its goal is to foster collaboration by exchanging experience and best practices, and develop joint projects.

The conference featured two key components:

  • Discussions on ESGs: the updated version and their impact on quality agencies and higher education institutions.
  • Panel discussions on distance learning: opportunities in internal/external quality assurance and student certification.

Find out more about Réseau FR:

Numerous European associations ( ENQA, EUA, Eurashe, ESU, etc.) organise events to provide agencies involved in assessing the quality of higher education institutions with opportunities to meet regularly and share best practices.The goal of Réseau FR is to create a platform for French-speaking higher education players to meet and share ideas.

Follow the network on Twitter: @ReseauFrAQ_Sup