Evaluation reports EN

CERMN - Centre d'études et de recherche sur le médicament de Normandie

Type: Research unit evaluation report
Evaluation campaign: 2015-2016 (group B) - Published on: 10/05/2016
Institution(s) concerned: Université de Caen Normandie - UNICAEN , Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale - INSERM
Disciplinary research field: Science and Technology (ST) ; ST4 Chemistry
Scientific field(s): 4 - Chimie ; 5 - Biologie, medecine et santé
ERC panel(s): LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease, public health, epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, regenerative medicine, medical ethics ; LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders: neurobiology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroimaging, systems neuroscience, neurological disorders, psychiatry
Keywords: chimie médicinale ; chemoinformatique ; drug design ; neurologie ; cancérologie

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