Evaluation reports FR

Fédération de la matière molle

Type: Evaluation report on federative structures
Evaluation campaign: 2009-2010 (group A) - Published on: 17/06/2010
Institution(s) concerned: Université Bordeaux 1 sciences et technologies
Disciplinary research field: Science and Technology (ST) ; ST2 Physics
ERC panel(s): PE1 Mathematical foundations: all areas of mathematics, pure and applied, plus mathematical foundations of computer science, mathematical physics and statistics ; PE3 Condensed matter physics: structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences ; PE4 Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences: analytical chemistry, chemical theory, physical chemistry/chemical physics ; PE5 Materials and Synthesis: materials synthesis, structure-properties relations, functional and advanced materials, molecular architecture, organic chemistry ; PE8 Products and process engineering: product design, process design and control, construction methods, civil engineering, energy systems, material engineering

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