Rapport d’évaluation EN

IJM - Institut Jacques Monod

Type : Rapports des entités de recherche
Campagne d'évaluation : 2023-2024 (vague D) - Publié le : 21/05/2024
Établissement(s) concerné(s) : Université Paris Cité - UP Cité , Centre national de la recherche scientifique - CNRS
Domaine(s) disciplinaire(s) de recherche : Sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVE) ; SVE3 - Molécules du vivant, biologie intégrative (des gènes et génomes aux systèmes), biologie cellulaire et du développement pour la science animale
Domaine(s) scientifique(s) : 5 - Biologie, medecine et santé
Panel(s) ERC : LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry: molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, biochemistry of signal transduction
Nom des équipes de l'unité : Cell polarity in development and evolution ; Evolution and development of metazoans ; Mechanotransduction: from cell surface to nucleus ; DNA replication of pathologies ; Mitochondria, metals and oxidative stress ; Regulation of cell-fate specification ; Regulation of microtubule in multi-cellular animals ; Evolution and genetics ; Non-conventional functions of nuclear pores ; Programmed genome elimination ; Cell division and reproduction ; Epigenomics and paleogenomics group ; Chromatin dynamics in mammalian development ; Polarity and morphogenesis ; Membrane dynamics and intracellular trafficking ; Comparative developmental neurobiology ; Cell adhesion and mechanics ; Metabolism and function of RNA in the nucleus ; Membrane trafficking, ubiquitin and signalling ; Cellular spatial organisation ; RNA Biogenesis and Genome Homeostasis ; Cell cycle and development ; Chromosomal domains and DNA replication ; Intracellular compartmentation ; Human neurodevelopment and disorders ; Regulation of actin assembly and dynamics ; Molecular oncology and ovarian pathologies ; Stem cells, development and evolution ; Mechanisms of meiosis ; Molecular Virology ; Development, signalling and trafficking
Mot(s) clé(s) : enome and chromosome dynamics ; Cellular dynamics and signalling ; Development and evolution.

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