Rapport d’évaluation FR

MSH - maison des sciences de l'homme Ange Guépin

Type : Rapport d’évaluation des structures fédératives
Campagne d'évaluation : 2010-2011 (vague B) - Publié le : 22/09/2011
Établissement(s) concerné(s) : Université de Nantes , Centre national de la recherche scientifique - CNRS
Domaine(s) disciplinaire(s) de recherche : Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) ; SHS2 - Institutions, gouvernance et systèmes juridiques ; SHS3 - Le Monde social et sa diversité
Panel(s) ERC : SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour: sociology, social anthropology, political science, law, communication, social studies of science and technology ; SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets: economics, finance and management ; SH3 Environment and society: environmental studies, demography, social geography, urban and regional studies ; SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity: cognition, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and education ; SH5 Cultures and cultural production: literature, visual and performing arts, music, cultural and comparative studies ; SH6 The study of the human past: archaeology, history and memory

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