

After carrying out an institutional evaluation, Hcéres has accredited the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) for five years without reservation. The High Council presented TEC with the accreditation certificate on 4 December 2017, at an official ceremony in Cartago, in the presence of Sonia Marta Mora, Minister for Public Education, Thierry Vankerk-Hoven, French Ambassador, Julio Calvo, Rector of TEC, and representatives of the SINAES (National System for Higher Education Accreditation) and the CSUCA (Central American Higher Council for Universities). In addition, the President of Costa Rica offered his congratulations during the ceremony.

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After carrying out institutional evaluations in February 2017, Hcéres has accredited, for five years without conditions – in accordance with the criteria adopted by its Board – four major Vietnamese engineering and technology universities: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, National University of Civil Engineering, Danang University of Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

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Quality assurance

The CIEP, CTI and Hcéres are pleased with the work they have carried out jointly with a view to bringing together, with the CEFDG and the CCN-IUT, the main organisations involved in quality assurance in France and to presenting the situation to representatives of foreign agencies at the inaugural lecture to the Annual General Meeting of the European Association of Quality Assurance agencies (ENQA) on 25 October.

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The prevention of conflicts of interest is central to the ethical principles that govern Hcéres’ activities. Although everyone knows the words “conflict” and “interests”, is anyone able to give a precise definition of the expression? Hcéres offers a response in a short video. By defining the concept, the video reminds viewers of the ethical framework within which the High Council works. It uses examples to encourage people to identify, detect and report any risks of a conflict of interest to Hcéres.

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