Rapport d’évaluation FR

CDR SA - Centre de recherche Saint-Antoine

Type : Rapport d’évaluation des unités de recherche
Campagne d'évaluation : 2012-2013 (vague D) - Publié le : 01/08/2013
Établissement(s) concerné(s) : Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC
Domaine(s) disciplinaire(s) de recherche : Sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVE) ; SVE6 - Physiologie et physiopathologie humaine, vieillissement
Nom des équipes de l'unité : Progenitors and endothelial cells during and after pregnancy,Laboratory of cell signaling and carcinogenesis,Cystic Fibrosis: Physiopathology and Phenogenomics,Genetic and acquired lipodystrophies,Neuroendocrine mechanisms of longevity and age-related diseases,Metabolic and biliary, fibro-inflammatory diseases of the liver,IGF system and fetal and postnatal growth,Molecular lesions, initiation, and evolution of myeloid malignancies,Proliferation and differentiation of stem cells: application to cell therapy,Microsatellite instability and cancers,Cancer biology and therapeutics,Graft versus host reactions after allogeneic stem cell transplantation,Biology and treatment of hepatobiliary tumors,Immune system, Neuroinflammation and Neurodegenerative diseases,Metabolism and age-related joint diseases

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